India US proposed defense deal irks China and Pakistan

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In a run up to the strategic defense logistical deal to be signed and adopted by both US and India has already drawn the irk of the Chinese media which has termed it as ‘ adding impetus to geopolitical rivalries in South East and east Asia.’ The state run media proclaimed that the deal which will bring forth two of the largest armed forces closer could even go on to bother Russia, long time ally of India and a challenge to the Chinese as well.

US defense secretary Ashton Carter and Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar will sign the defense deal in question. The Logistics Exchange Memorandum of agreement (LEMOA) will allow both the countries to use each others bases for replenishment and refueling though respective troops will not be allowed to station at either one’s bases. This pact will enhance operational capabilities on both sides along with making assistance during disaster management more efficient. The deal will also ensure provisions for logistical support, services and supplies between the two defense forces on a reimbursable basis while providing for a framework to keep a check on nature of exchange. 

The usage of each others air, water and land bases for refueling and getting reinforcements will also help cut time during operational contingencies at a time when most parts of the globe are facing turbulent times in the face of deadly terror attacks. While the two forces will be keeping close networked communication to build mutual trust and friendship the pact will not allow the two countries to set up bases in each other’s countries or affiliated bases. The exchange of technology and innovation is also being seen as a major boost for the forces. As a mark of growing bonhomie between India and US , Ashton Carter has commited to providing India with the best deal in defense trade and technology which is usually extended only to its closest allies. The deal, which in principal was agreed upon in April this year when Carter visited India, will see through its conclusion upon Parrikar’s next visit to the states.

In a reaction to this steady build up in India US relationship, the Chinese media “Global Times” has quoted, “ if India joins the US alliance system, it may irritate China, Pakistan and even its oldest ally Russia. It may not make India safer but will bring forth strategic troubles and make it more vulnerable to geopolitical rivalries in Asia. It must refrain from entering such an alliance since it has always enjoyed attention from all countries due to its non alignment policy which will be dented if it decides to become a Washington follower in the future.”

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