Warm welcome, tough on border

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Prime Minister, on Sunday made it clear to the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, now on a visit to India, on India’s stand-off regarding Chinese incursions at tense border and stated that maintaining tranquillity and peace should be the only alternative solution for a smooth relationship. This was Singh’s first meeting with his Chinese counterpart, and discussions progressed on an easy pace that touched issues like bilateral trading and Brahmaputra also. 

An approximate one hour meeting followed by a dinner, on Sunday between two leaders mostly raised sensitive issues affecting both countries and delegates are supposed to meet on Monday morning. Indian Prime Minister highlighted the issue regarding the long- time taken for resolving the Depsang incursion that happened recently. Both countries agreed upon the fact that peace should be given prime importance and further disturbing incident if any, along the border will not be tolerated in future. 

Representatives from both the country handling the border issue will investigate the matter thoroughly and will check the limitations of existing system suggesting solutions to improve the mechanism. Taking into consideration the trans-boundary rivers, both leaders have reached a mutual agreement on sharing more hydrological records that too released from Chinese side mainly. Of course there will be improvement in existing systems, with India demanding more transparency on the increased dam construction activity by China along the border. 

Bilateral trade will be made more of a two-way business and India will reciprocate to any Chinese movement or investment in Indian market with a welcome nod. 

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