More bloodbath in Egypt likely as Morsi spurns army ultimatum.

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In the second wave of the Arab spring in Egypt, the nation’s first democratically elected president Mohammed Morsi is all set to be ousted anytime now, even though he rebuffed the powerful army's 48-hr ultimatum to resolve the ongoing crisis, saying he will not permit "any step backward" from the spirit of the January 25 revolution and pursue for his reconciliation plans. Embattled Morsi looked increasingly isolated, with his foreign minister Mohamed Kamel Amr resigning Tuesday to take the number to five. Four other ministers have already resigned.

The 61-year-old Morsi, 61, from the Muslim Brotherhood grouping, is first freely elected president of Egypt. He assumed charge a year ago after Egyptians overthrew Hozni Mubarak, an authoritarian and military-backed leader. "The civil democratic Egyptian state is one of the most important achievements of the January 25 revolution," said a statement from the presidency, referring to the 2011 pro- democracy protests that toppled longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak. "Egypt will absolutely not permit any step backward whatever the circumstances," the statement added.

Meanwhile, Morsi met Hisham Qandil, prime minister and Gen Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, defence minister and head of the armed forces, to discuss the latest political developments, presidential assistant Ayman Ali said. This was the second such meeting in as many days to defuse the tension that arose after anti-government protesters took to the streets demanding Morsi's ouster and the army issued a terse statement. The powerful army Monday warned that it will intervene if people's demands were not met within 48 hrs after millions took to the streets asking Morsi to quit. "If the demands of the people are not met in this period… (the armed forces) will announce a future roadmap and measures to oversee its implementation," said the army statement, which was read out on television.

However, the presidency said that the army declaration had not been cleared by it. It also denounced any declaration that would "deepen division" and "threaten the social peace". Morsi was consulting "with all national forces to secure the path of democratic change and the protection of the popular will", the presidency said. The army, however, in a new statement today said its motive was to find a speedy solution to the situation. The statement, which was posted by the army on its Facebook page, said: "the creed of the Egyptian armed forces does not allow it to perform a coup d'etat and was issued to force politicians to find a speedy solution for the deadlock." "The Armed forces is neither the ruler nor part of the political scene and will not abandon its designated role." Morsi's opponents accuse him of putting the Brotherhood's interests ahead of the country's as a whole.

Meanwhile, Salafi Nour Party assistant secretary-general Shaaban Abdel Alim said that the first statement of the armed forces released yesterday is "ambiguous," warning against the repercussions of a return to military rule in Egypt. "Which demands will the army meet, those of Tahrir Square or of Rabea al-Adaweya Square?" Alim said, referring to the main protest sites of the opposition and supporters of Morsi. "The statement is stern," Alim said, referring to the army's earlier announcement. "We fear the return of military rule. The deadline is not sufficient."

Meanwhile, the founder of the Tamarod campaign Mahmoud Badr said, "We stress our salutation for the army and for its statement that truly proved to be the haven of the Egyptian patriotism." Badr called on the Egyptians to continue their protests. Monday, anti-government protesters stormed the national headquarters of Muslim Brotherhood. They ransacked the six-storey building and set it on fire. State media quoting the country's health and population ministry said the nationwide death toll from June 30 protests stands at 16, with the total number of injuries estimated at 743 in 17 governorates.

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