When you are in sleep you seem to be happy

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How can the planets which are far away from the earth can ever influence the human life on earth. This is the very basis of astrology so please convince me?

Ø  This question is quiet sound. You know very well that even with perfect eye sight, the eye cannot see withoutlight. One of the source of light is sunlight. Sunlight helps you to see the world around you with your eyes. The source of the sunlight is the sun, which is far away from the earth. So if the sun which is far away from the earth can influence your eyes which are only a small part of your body, What about the other parts, which can be influenced by different sources, including far away objects.

Astrological Science is based on Planets which influence human life on earth by an unseen mechanism. In fact I follow the dictum ‘Seeing believes”?
Ø  This question is quiet sound. If you look around carefully, you will find that your life principle is based on air around you. Oxygen of the air sustains life, but you cannot see air.In the lungs, oxygen of the air is picked up by the iron of the hemoglobin which is also not seen, sum and substance “seeing is believing is not always the truth.
Your answer to my above question puts me in a dilemma? Please convince me then what method I have to seek where “Seeing is Believing” fails?
Ø  Here you have to follow a very fundamental principle that is” Experience”, you will have to experience to believe. You will not understand the sweetness of sugar however much I try to explain. A simple method is to put some sugar in to your mouth. Now you know what the sweetness of sugar is. So you have to have o experience in this case to believe.
 What is the method to be followed to understand me and the world around me?
Ø  This is a good question. The question to understand you and the world around you. And the world around you can be found by following 3 steps. 1. Keep an open mind to receive others thought process.2.  Dwell on it and try to make meaning of it. Experiment and try t get the result. 3. Go by the consistent result to add on to your path of life.
How many methods are there to know the truth of creation?
Ø  Since different people are at the different levels of evolution, generally there are two paths. One is to understand one’s own potential by realiasation, when this happens the world will be understood automatically. In this process your question the world at every point for an answer and reject at the end to realize you asfocal second method has been explained in the previous question.
Can you convince me to break my concept of “Seeing is believing”?
Ø  In the default mechanism of your own creation, when you are formed in the uterus, by the combination of your father’s sperm and mother’s egg, you cannot see them. When you were delivered and you grew up your mother introduced you to your father, you accepted him as your father, when you were small, big and even when you became a father. Throughout you never doubted your father, given the condition that you could not see your father to believe when you were formed, still a difficult situation where someone else could be your father. This fact can be explained only because you put faith in your mother’s word and the fact that your mother knew the father many times therefore “Seeing is believing” has to be replaced by faith.
Does happiness come from materialism?
Ø  This question is quite sound. If the above statement is correct then the amount of happiness should increase with the increase of materialism. The fact is otherwise, because when you are in deep sleep bereft of any materialism you seem to be happy. Materialism can bring convenience, comfort and luxury for your physical existence.
– Dr. K.M Venketesh Msc, PhD

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