A sad truth is out:Top B-school grads are good for almost nothing!

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The graduates from top B-schools lag behind in practical understanding of management in workplace, says a report by Aspiring Minds, an employability solutions company.As per the report titled 'Practical intelligence in top B-Schools in India', a study on students in top B-Schools, there is a large difference in the scores of management graduates and those experienced in the industries on a test of practical intelligence and situation handling.
Based on evaluation of students in top B-schools using situation judgment tests, the report indicates that these students are significantly lower in practical intelligence than business managers with 3-5 years of experience in corporations today.The findings of the survey is significant since top corporations across the country recruit their key management talent from top business schools, the report said.
B-schools need to mature enough to rise above the MBA literature and make an attempt to sharpen the practical intelligence of their students, the report said.Practical intelligence can help students to successfully tackle real-world situations and their complexities without staggering in their approach.Failure to teach the students more on the necessity and advantages of sustainable business approaches leaves them unprepared to face the business challenges of real-life situations, the report added.
"Our top B-schools provide talent to leading organisations in coveted roles. Industry has deployed a variety of tools and mechanisms to evaluate these candidates whose cognitive and language skills are already the country’s best," Aspiring Minds’ head Varun Aggarwal said.The study talks about how these students are doing in practical understanding of management in workplace and was done using situation judgment tests which are established to predict practical/real life understanding of concepts, he added.

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