Pakistani pilgrim walks 6,387 km for Haj

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 A Pakistani national covered 6,387 km on foot to make his Haj pilgrimage to Mecca, the Al Arabiya television channel said Sunday.
 Kharlzada Kasrat Rai, 37, set off for his pilgrimage June 7 from Karachi, and walked across Iran, Iraq and Jordan to arrive in Saudi Arabia Oct 1. Kasrat Rai told Al Arabiya that he had ventured on his three-month Haj trek as a mission of peace. 
 “I want peace in the entire world and I want the Islamic nations to unite like the European Union,” he said, adding that he also wanted to “condemn terrorism in all its manifestations”.
 Kasrat Rai is an experienced walker. In 2007, he walked 1,999 km across his home country in 85 days.  In 2009, he covered a distance of 327 km from Lahore to Islamabad in 14 days.

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