Time to Return to Spirituality

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Hundreds of temples, big and small, dot the rectangular costal strip that we call the state of Kerala. In the past, these temples, with their unique architectural  style, were religious and cultural centres around which the life of a locality revolved. The priests were always from the Namboodiri or Kerala Brahmin families. Brahmins, or the ones who understood the Brahman, symbolized the spiritual essence of Hinduism. They are the ones who guided the ordinary mean and women in their spiritual journey towards Absolute truth.

The Kshatriyas were the ones who protected the temple wealth. They also offered protection to the Brahmins. Apart from the spirituality that they radiated, the temples also became major centres of learning that promoted the study of Sanskrit and Vedas and temple arts like Koodiyattom, Koothu and Ottanthullal.

Though the Kerala temples retain much of their architectural beauty, the serene and simple life around the temple is now giving way to forces of consumerism unleashed by the process of economic and development. Huge shopping centres, banks, cinema halls and office complexes are today the focal points. Villages and urban centres have merged in a seamless continuum of modern living spaces.

In such a world, the relevance of Namboodiris  or the Vedic culture that they represent has been facing an erosion in importance. Many of the community members have been reduced to abject poverty, forcing them to abdandon their culture and embracing a life that is against the values that they represent. A return to the spiritual values is therefore the urgent task before the Namboodiris and other social groups who are close to them.

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