Crisis looms over Judicia

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ME News Bureau: The unprecedented crisis that looms over the judicial system in the country might be resolved today as the chances to convene a Full Court session are getting large. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government are taking special care on the issue and trying to sort out the matter within the court room itself.

In a dramatic turn of events yesterday, four senior-most judges, who are part of the Supreme Court Collegium, which includes Chief Justice Deepak Misra, arranged a press conference at the lawns of Justice Chelameswar’s official residence and expressed their displeasure over CJI’s conduct.

They also said that the administration system in the SC have some serious flaws and unless the remedial measures are to be taken, it will end up in the total collapse of democracy.

Four judges’ press conference led to a wide spread fear and anger over the incidents happening inside the SC and even talks on impeachment of CJI began yesterday. More judges came out to support the four senior men had put a dark paint over the judicial crisis altogether.

Attorney General K. K.Venugopal hopes that the dark clouds will soon go away and he discussed the matter with CJI, later on yesterday.

PM Modi had asked a report from Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on the course of action and the government takes it as an internal issue within the judicial system. The government has been very cautious throughout the episode as the turn of events was the culmination of CJI’s stand in the case related to Justice Loya’s death.

CJI won't try to face the issue of press conference through legal terms as he has been making attempts for communication with the four judges through his representatives. All he can do is to convene a full court session to sort it out.

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