India closely watches Chi

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Union Minister of State for Defence Dr. Subhash Bhamre said in Rajya Sabha that government has seen media reports on Chinese military activity in Pakistan and keeps a constant watch on such developments having a bearing on India’s security and takes all necessary measures to safeguard it. 

Government is aware of China’s stated objective of becoming   a ‘maritime power’.  As part of this strategy, China is developing ports and other infrastructure facilities in the littoral countries in the Indian Ocean region, including in the vicinity of India’s maritime boundary.

Government is also aware that under its ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, China is undertaking projects for development of infrastructure facilities in several countries in the region.

India and China have, on several occasions, reiterated that, as large neighbours following independent foreign policies, the relationships pursued by India and China with other countries must not become a source of concern for each other.  Both countries have agreed to display mutual respect and sensitivity to each other’s concerns and aspirations.

Under its ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy, Government is committed to developing friendly and mutually beneficial relations with all its neighbours.  India is an active economic partner of its neighbours and is involved in various development projects in these countries.  India also has extensive ties with neighbouring countries in education, culture, trade and investments as well as defence and security cooperation.  India’s relations with other countries stand on their own footing and are independent of the relations of those countries with third countries.

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