Mumbai SIES Colleg

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After Successfully organizing lectures on “Bha Bapu Bagh”  to celebrate the 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi and 100 years of Jalianwalla bagh, the SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion, Mumbai conducted a two-day seminar on “ Gandhi’s writings on Indian Culture “ at the college premises.

The Seminar was organized jointly by the SIES College, its Philosophy department and Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS), Kolkatta, to encouraged the students to find new meanings and insights in Gandhi’s writings from historical, philosophical and cultural perspectives, said Dr. Kamala Srinivas,  Asst. Professor in the Philosophy department.

The guest of honor H.E. Tang Guocai, Consul-General of the People's Republic of China, considers himself a Gandhian. In the keynote address he said, “even though Gandhiji never visited China in his lifetime, his philosophy of peace and non-violence continues to strike a chord among people of the world today.” He shared what he learned from Gandhiji’s philosophy and has known Gandhi through his work, books, and films about him.

The Consul General also spoke about Chinese and Indian civilization being one of the ancient wisdom and this legacy on either side of the Himalayas has many things in common such as the spinning wheel, age-old remedy for having good health and teachings of wise seers such as Gautama Buddha, Confucius who taught self-discipline. He asserted that India and China are entering together in a big way towards environmental challenges, finding a cure for diseases by setting up medical organizations through the `Global Village Community”. 

This was followed by a skit and ballet performance by the students of SIES College with a view to create awareness about Gandhiji’s ideals like campaigning for easing on poverty, expanding women’s rights, ending untouchability, maintaining health & hygiene .

Sahitya Akademi awardee Dr. Ganesh Devy, who is  renowned for establishing the Adivasi Academy for Indigenous Studies and the Bhasha Centre for Language Conservation said Gandhiji believed  ‘greed was the birth of violence.’ For harmonizing a better future we have to use Satyagraha as a political act by involving women and young adults to fulfil Gandhi’s principles of economy and ecology.

Mr. Aparajit Shukla, author, film maker in his valedictory address stated, “Gandhi makes us realise through Indian cultural history the importance of creativity, its originality, devotional spirit of virtue in order to reinvent social responsibility.”

Dr. Uma Shankar  principal of the SIES College , in her concluding remarks said, “this seminar was indeed a great collaborative experience along with MAKAIAS in re-learning Gandhi’s courage of conviction, truth, forgiveness , reconciliation and fearlessness.”

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