Trump closes travel from

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In wake of the outbreak and spread of the fatal coronavirus US President Donald Trump has made an unprecedented move by barring travel from Europe to the United States of America. The US President called for an unprecedented response to stem the spread of the disease in America.

Addressing America from White House Trump said that the travel ban will come into effect from Friday night but will not apply to travellers from Britain. With coronavirus cases in the US exceeding 1000 and 29 succumbing to it, Trump said, “Smart action today will prevent the spread of the virus tomorrow.”

The travel ban will be in effect for a month. US citizens who are stranded in Europe will, however, be allowed after adequate screening. To reassure American citizens Trump said, “The virus will not have a chance against us. We have the most talented researchers and scientists in the world.”

Sources revealed that Trump decided to ban entry from Europe following the developments in Italy where 12,000 have been affected and 929 have died, in the most serious casualty after China from where it originated.

Meanwhile India has taken an important step of suspending all visas except the official ones for non-citizens into the country. All businesses in Italy is shut for the moment with the country in lockdown.

Trump also added that he will undertake emergency action to protect workers who are infected with coronavirus so that they can stay home without fear of losing pay until they recover.

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