Construction contractors wary about manpower crunch

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New Delhi:  Leading construction agencies such as NHAI and CPWD and many private contractors are a worried lot as reports of migrant workers rushing back home becomes a reality. Sources told media that the large-scale migrant will have a big impact on construction and infrastructure development once lockdown is lifted. These workers will never come back now since they have been forced to flee the state and most will be settling down in their natives doing agriculture or some odd labour. AIMTC, leading transporter’s entity said that the massive migration of drivers and labourers will cripple work for many businesses as they wouldn’t be able to find manpower in the near term.

Work at residential and commercial projects will come to a standstill and once the lockdown is lifted there would be more exodus with those unable to go during the lockdown going back into their villages. They will prefer to stay with their families now and won’t return, and building roads and buildings without manpower will be unimaginable.

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