China lauds Pakistan s recent positive interactions with India

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 In the wake of recent developments in India-Pakistan relations which have led to some easing of tensions and highlighted hopes of forward movement in ties, China has said that "it is pleased with Pakistan's recent positive interactions with India".

"We are ready to work with Pakistan, and continue to inject positive energy into regional peace, stability and development," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Xhao Lijian.

"China supports Pakistan's foreign policy of peace and good neighbourliness as well as its commitment to advancing the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan," he added.

China's statement comes as Pakistan and India decided last month to restore the 2003 ceasefire on the Line of Control and brigade commanders from both sides also met recently.

Another positive approach by both countries was a mutually agreement to refrain from giving out hostile statements against each other.

Earlier, Pakistan's army chief, Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa also gave an important statement, offering India a resolution of the Kashmir dispute through "peaceful and dignified manner". "It is time to extend a hand of friendship to all directions," he maintained.

Prime Minister Imran Khan later made similar offer to the Narendra Modi government.

Indian PM Modi had also written a letter to Imran Khan, felicitating him on Pakistan Day (March 23), and expressing desire for a "cordial relationship".

Pakistan and India also held a meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission in New Delhi.

All these developments have given hope of regional peace, security and stability and China has appreciated the efforts from both sides.

China has also highlighted the value it gives to what it calls its all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation with Pakistan.

"We are ready to take the 70th anniversary of our diplomatic ties as an opportunity to work together in the fight against Covid-19, carry forward our traditional friendship, deepen all-round cooperation, and build an even closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future for the new era," Xhao said.

By Hamza Ameer

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