Awakening your soulprint to find happiness and success

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New Delhi, Feb 22

It was a chance discovery of a book written 100 years ago by his great great grandfather that blended spiritual wisdom to aid decision-making that inspired writer and life coach Aditya Nath to delve deeper into the subject and pen his debut novel, "Awaken Your Soulprint – Discovering Your Own Special Path To Happiness And Success" that he believes can also provide the path ahead in todays pandemic times.

"As destiny would have it, one day on I stumbled upon the book of my great great grandfather written over 100 years ago. The essence of the book was spiritual wisdom based on the Vedas, which could be used in our everyday decision-making. This inspired me to start seeking a soulful path to my material world problems.

"With the passage of time and having experienced a blissful state of balance between my inner and outer worlds, I thought of sharing this knowledge and learning with my friends and family and started penning them down. So, I can say I got the 'writing bug' through my family tree," Nath, an alumnus of the Shri Ram College of Commerce and the National Institute of Fashion Technology who worked for a few years in a Fortune 100 company in US and then chose to come back to his roots in India, told IANS in an interview.

Just like a thumbprint, every single human being on this planet has a unique soulprint. Nature never repeats itself in anything it does, thus two soulprints are never ever alike and nor are their material or spiritual journeys. In life's journey, you can be sleeping while you are awake and be awakened even while you are asleep.

Thus, "Awaken Your Soulprint" (Rupa) provides you the tools to answer life's existential questions and helps you discover your soulprint in order to create your own customized spiritual path. It postulates the concept of soulful living, a spiritually evolved way of modern-day thinking, based on the realizations of thousands of years of human evolution.

Nath elucidates on how to increase one's spiritual metabolism and propagates four simple tools – spiritual wisdom, spiritual practices, faith, and devotion – for one's awakening. These tools activate and guide your energies to take your awareness towards the possibilities of higher existence for yourself.

How does one relate this book to the present pandemic times?

"The book works on balancing the inner and outer worlds, which becomes more relevant in times of unbalance. Pandemic has partially lockdown our material world globally and has given the opportunity for us to focus to foster our spiritual world. We could already see few people chose to reinvent themselves even during these horrible times by focusing on their inner energies. The book provides tools and framework for each soulprint to be awakened to seek its own solutions in any of life's situations," Nath explained.

Speaking about the research that went into the book, he said this "had been in the form of searching again. My research was as much internal as outer as one can't exist without the other. To find yourself, you need to first lose yourself. This process of finding, losing and re-searching yourself showed me the path that has become the index of the book itself".

"I found wisdom everywhere I went, available only to those who are awakened to see it. On my reading ancient texts from all over the world (holy or non- religious), I soaked the essence of them, albeit in an unbiased way. I was fortunate to connect the universal dots of spirituality, which guided me to write about these gems in the book," Nath added.

What of the road ahead? What is his next project?

"The book has been an important step for me towards achieving my life's calling. I now aspire to reach out and contribute meaningfully to the soulprints trying to walk on their own path by spreading the knowledge from the book. My purpose is to share the path of attaining peace, happiness and success to whoever is seeking it. My inner journey connects with my outer for which I have miles to go before I sleep," Nath concluded.


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