Destroying the Beautiful Marine Drive

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Shazneen Mistry

Marine Drive, also known as the ‘Queen’s Necklace’ has lost some of  its beauty after the construction work started there few years ago. The Coastal Road  Project — the road by the sea, which will connect Marine drive to Worli Sea Link and then go more further, was started in 2018 and is still an  ongoing process.  This project was being made for easy travel  for people and making  their life easy as well developing better infrastructure, but along the  process in the present time, people’s life hasn’t been improved rather  thing are getting complicated for them. 

The Marine Drive used to be an open space for people to come and  relax by looking at the sea and its surrounding. It was a site that  appealed to many, and people from all around the world would come  to visit it and some would even stay at the hotels opposite the sea to  enjoy the beautiful view. Now this construction site has led to traffic  jams, noise, and air pollution, spoiling the whole area’s calm, beauty  and vibe. 

Marine Drive was used by people for early morning walks and spend time there, children use to run and play games, many  even roller skated and played different games, sadly all of that has  stopped now because of this construction. Huge barriers have been  placed and the roads have been blocked making it difficult for the  people to come out with their families or to just come out to sit and  feel the cooling sea breeze. 

This construction had caused great problems to the Parsi community as well. It is said that the Parsis worship the water and according to the  Parsi calendar, there is a whole month dedicated to the goddess of  water. They usually come to the Parsi Gate at Marine Drive and go down the stairs to offer milk, flower petals, and raw rice to the water. To get this construction complete the builders were ready to take  down the gate and spoil the beauty of Marine Drive as well as the sentiments of the Parsi people. Many old and young Parsis protested against it and then later it was decided that the  construction would go around the gate then through it.  

As a conclusion, it can be said that this development currently has not  been helping people, but rather has hurt their sentiments and created a  lot of problems for them, including the destruction of Mumbai’s best  destination, Marine Drive.


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There are 27 comments

  1. Marine Drive also known as the ‘Queen’s Necklace’ is a pride of our city. Currently our Marine Drive may look little distorted and no open spaces can be seen but progress for our city is also equally important. The plans show that Marine Drive will retain its beauty and space once the project is over. Lets wait for the project to get over and see how our beautiful Marine Drive looks.

  2. A good infrastructure is essential for the progress of any country, for improving the quality of life of their citizens but at the same time it is equally important we preserve and maintain the nature around us. Hoping that once this project is done we will have back the leisure to unwind ourselves at this iconic place.

  3. Dilnavaz Shroff |

    Indeed your views about Marine Drive or as it is called Queens Necklace has indeed lost its luster n beauty n with this construction traffic is very bad

  4. The emotions are well narrated. The incovienience caused is a fact today. The construction disrupts the day to day of people around. Well written article.

  5. Well narrated article with the correct emotions. The construction is a total displeasure for the people around. Well written. Keep up the tough & compassionate writing.

  6. Have some very fond memories of beautiful marine drive from the yesteryears.. when there’s progress and development, the interim is always painful and an eyesore, but hopefully once this is completed, the serenity of our beautiful marine drive gets restored to what it always was.

  7. Good & Morden infrastructure is a key to progressive future of any city & Mumbai is no different. But with a cost of destroying its culture is not to be tolerated. Mumbai, earlier known as BOMBAY…. has it’s own unique history, many sentiments that are attached to many different people & communities, which cannot be overlooked in the name of development. In all a good & strong article…. Good Job. Well thought.

  8. Khushroo Pastakia |

    All good developments comes at a cost. Marine drive was also built like that. Time will tell. Will wait for your article saying the coastal road is a boon to the city. Visually appealing and beneficial to all.

  9. Well written! #SadReality
    Surreal feeling, witnessing change. Next generation wont know #Sobo as my generation. Same way as old Bombay.

  10. Very well written!! I shifted to marine drive for peace!! But since the start of coastal road project the peace is gone!! There will be some bootlickers who will say coastal project is good/awesome/bla-bla!! But still the article is very written expressing public’s problem with coastal road!! Keep it up!!

  11. government has ruined the queens necklace in the name of development the beautiful place has been destroyed for this unwanted coastal road one of the charm of Mumbai is been destroyed .


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