RIP Queen s English

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Anupama Nair

English Grammar is complex, making it so difficult to remember, master and use logically. When I was in middle school, I learned grammar using the famous Wren and Martin, which ensured I learnt to master the Queen’s English. Nowadays, Wren and Martin are no longer in the curriculum, and the result is there for all to see. I would be correct to say “RIP Wren and Martin and good English”. The usage of correct grammar can be tricky, especially when you are in conversation with someone and they speak at an alarmingly fast pace. Learning grammar is like learning swimming, you can learn all of the theory, rules and regulations but you won’t be good at it unless you practice it and it starts to become like second nature to you. Grammar is extremely important, and incorrect use of grammar can confuse the person you are speaking to and even change the meaning of what you are trying to communicate. English speakers are incredibly proud of the language and look negatively at it being used incorrectly.

 These are some grammatical errors people in the Indian subcontinent use:

What are you discussing about? (what are you discussing?)

I am going to give an exam. (I am going to take/write an exam.)

I saw a dream. (I had a dream.)

I am having four brothers and three sisters. (I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters.)

Myself John Smith (I am John Smith.)

What’s your good name? (What’s your name.)

There are some expressions used in the wrong context in the Indian Subcontinent:

Expire for dead

Cousin Brother/Sister

Pass out for graduating from College

Would be for fiancé

Picture for movie

Wedding anniversary for marriage anniversary

Comprise of instead of comprise

Explain me instead of explain to me

Revert back for revert

English has one of the biggest vocabularies — more than any other language, and it can be very confusing for non-English speakers to master. Using the wrong vocabulary is easily noticeable to anyone who’s first language is English.

The next hurdle is the pronunciation as English words can be very difficult to pronounce as it isn't always obvious. Furthermore, depending on the first language of the English student, it can often be difficult to pronounce certain words properly, having not ever had to create that phonetic sound before.

For example, these words are pronounced as:

DENGUE (dengi)

TIER (tear)

BICYCLE (bi-si-kul)

PLUMBER (plu-muh)

WEDNESDAY (wen-sday)

TUESDAY (chooz-dei)

CAREER (kuh-riah)

TUITION (twishn)

VILLAGE (vil-idj)

PAPER (peipe)

VINEYARD (vin-yed)

YATCH (yot)

RENDEZVOUZ (rondevu)

DEBRIS (debri:)

TOUR (tua)

FAUX PAS (fau-pa)

DEBUT (debyu)

CHAOS (kaos)

When I hear English being murdered as a British friend Roger Anderson told me I think of the poor professor in the blockbuster series “Mind Your Language”. Roger believes by murdering English, the former colonies are taking their revenge on England and the Language. I sure agree with him as I feel a similar pain, when I see my beloved English being murdered every day in India and elsewhere in the world.


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