Astro Zindagi Weekly Horoscope

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Here is a guide to the week ahead for you. This is your forecast for August 31 to September 6:

The start of the week will bring an improvement in your status and financial condition. You could get an offer for a job that you have been eagerly waiting for. Businesspeople will see a rise in profits and income. You could also receive benefits from the government. This will be a rewarding month for those in the field of sports as they are likely to emerge victorious. Students preparing for competitive exams relating to the medical field are likely to be successful. Your personal life will continue to test you and you are advised to maintain cordial relations with your spouse. Unmarried couples may also experience misunderstandings which is likely to affect their relationship. Apart from that, your family life will remain harmonious and you could celebrate a family function during the second half of the week. Health will remain good, barring some minor infections relating to stomach and legs.
Tip of the week: Grab the opportunity
Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

This week the divine grace will help you resolve all obstacles that were coming in your path earlier. You will enjoy good reputation at your workplace and will achieve pending targets. An outstanding promotion can happen unexpectedly which will uplift your finances. Businesspeople can strike overseas deals which will help you expand your footprint. You shall remain protective towards your family. However, you are advised to be on the listening mode in family matters to avoid conflicts at home. Married life will remain positive, but your spouse could face health issues. Health and wellbeing of your children is likely to improve. Towards the end of the week, you would be inclined to spend some quality time with your friends and relive past memories. Infections relating to ear, nose and throat can bother you.
Tip of the week: Look for miracles
Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday

During the first few days of the week, you could face some uncertainty in your life as unexpected things may crop up at the last minute which will seek your attention. Professionally, do not depend on others and stay rational and grounded in your approach. From the middle of the week, you will get relief and your confidence and self-esteem will increase. This will help you initiate new projects that you have not been able to do for a long time. Students pursuing higher education will receive favourable results. The last phase of the week will see you getting rewards for actions initiated earlier. You will also get good support from your seniors which is likely to provide the necessary impetus to you professionally. In personal life, your warm and caring attitude towards your loved ones will help you bring harmony in existing relationships. Ailments relating to your left ear and eyes may need attention.
Tip of the week: Be rational and grounded
Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

During the beginning of the week, you could remain focused on new projects and partnerships. Businesspeople may be required to take critical business decisions relating to new revenue streams and investment opportunities which are likely to bring substantial gains in future. Relationship with your spouse will remain favourable and a cooperative approach will ensure a cordial domestic environment. Towards the middle of the week, there could be unwanted stress owing to some family dispute. However, professionally, you will witness an increase in opportunities. You may receive sudden gains. Your relations with your in-laws are likely to get better, which will have a positive impact on your relations with your spouse. Towards the end of the week, your siblings might face some problems and may need your support. Issues relating to liver and lower abdomen can affect you.
Tip of the week: Stay invested in your career
Lucky days: Friday, Saturday

You will have a lively start to the week as you could receive fresh opportunities to further your career and finances. You may be able to find various avenues of earning money. During the beginning of the week, you are likely to spend more time on office work due to increased work load which will not go unnoticed by your seniors. You would need to stay competitive in your business, else you may lag behind. On the personal front, your relationship with your spouse will need attention. Towards the end of the week, there could be a sudden monetary gain which could help you get rid of your outgoing debts and liabilities. You are advised to exercise control over your expenses as every penny will count. Towards the end of the week, you are required to be vigilant regarding your health as your immunity is likely to remain weak. Avoid eating outside food and stay away from pollution and dust.
Tip of the week: Stay competitive
Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

Trust your intelligence and creative side to help you overcome any issues that you may face this week. You could gain through prudent investments in the stock market. Professionally, do not overly trust any person to avoid any uncomfortable situation later. On the personal front, your relationship with your children will improve and strengthen. During the middle of the week, you will have to work extra hard to achieve your targets. However, towards the later part of the week, you will experience stability and growth in your ventures. You will feel more secure and confident which will help you take bold decisions in your profession. Your spouse will remain cooperative due to which there will be harmony at home. You will be able to recover from any illness that may have been bothering you for a long time. However, any medicine taken without proper medical advice can harm your health.
Tip of the week: Trust your intelligence
Lucky days: Saturday, Sunday

You will have a good start to the week as you are likely to finalise a deal to buy or sell property. There could be a positive development on the work front and you could be shortlisted to execute a new project. Take the blessings of your mother before initiating any new venture. If you are married, the beginning of the week will bring positive news for your children. They are likely to progress in their studies which will make you happy and proud. Towards the middle of the week, you are likely to feel more settled as your thought process will become clearer which will result in improved performance in your professional undertakings. Towards the end of the week, you may be able to settle pending legal disputes, if any. Your spouse could witness a change of job. However, health-wise, you may face some gastric or acidic issues relating to stomach.
Tip of the week: Look out for new projects
Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

A bold and proactive approach this week will work well to accomplish your goals. During the beginning of the week, you could receive appreciation from your seniors for your consistent performance in the past. It may not be a bad idea to engage in recreational activities to unwind yourself. Those who are single are likely to meet someone with whom they might be able to develop an instant connection. On the personal front, this is a favourable time to revive contacts with friends. During the middle of the week, your spouse is likely to make some financial gain. A favourable planetary position will help you to establish a connection with your inner self, that will help bring out your creativity and unexplored potential. During the end of the week, you will gain strength and stability in your endeavours. Issues relating to lower back could bother you.
Tip of the week: Be bold and proactive
Lucky days: Saturday, Sunday

Despite a slow start, you will be able to fulfil your desires this week. During the start of the week, you could face unwanted expenditure which can lead to financial difficulty. Avoid investing in any quick income-generating offers or schemes as it may turn out to be counter-productive. You may become a bit harsh in your speech which may disrupt family atmosphere. During the middle of the week, your efforts are likely to yield good results which will lead to professional growth. Your siblings will do well in their respective fields and relationship with them will remain cordial. During the later part of the week, you could meet influential people and develop new contacts that will help you professionally. You could gain through ancestral property or land-related matters. Be watchful on the health front as there could be trouble involving the chest and kidney.
Tip of the week: Stay away from unscrupulous offers
Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

The week will commence on a positive note as you are likely to receive good news on the professional front. Your self-confidence will be high which will rub off on your colleagues and team members at your workplace. During the middle of the week, you are likely to be vested with a bigger role and position. You are also likely to receive moral and financial support from your mentors which will keep you going. Overall, you will remain satisfied with your work and performance. Peace and tranquility will prevail in your home environment. You will receive support from your maternal side of the family. Eligible people are likely to tie the knot. Towards the end of the week, you could undertake a short travel relating to work. You are likely to buy a new electronic gadget. You are likely to recover from an old illness that may have been bothering you.
Tip of the week: Stay confident
Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday

The onset of the week will require you to attend to matters relating to health and expenditure. You may face unforeseen situations and unplanned expenditure which can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. You are also advised to be cautious in your dealings involving documents else you may invite the wrath of the authorities. There is a possibility of an injury especially relating to the head region. By the middle of the week, you will experience much relief and will stay optimistic. You will be inclined towards spirituality or higher learning. This is a good time to plan your investments and monitor savings. Prudent investment in the stock market can be profitable. During the later part of the week, you will be inclined to spend more time with your family. Involvement in household chores will give you peace and happiness. On the health front, abdomen and eyes need extra care.
Tip of the week: Stay away from injuries
Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

The start of the week will see you high on energy and motivation. You will able to accomplish most of your assignments that were pending for a long time. Income will continue to flow from multiple sources. You should remain grateful to your family and friends who supported you in your difficult time and should make extra efforts to keep them happy. A small get-together will strengthen your bond with your well-wishers. During the middle of the week, your health is likely to remain fragile as you may face persistent problems relating to cold and cough. Avoid undertaking journeys as they are likely to result in unnecessary fatigue. Towards the later part of the week, you will remain more organized, that will help you increase your productivity. However, in your personal life, you need to guard against any rifts with your spouse due to prevailing misunderstandings.
Tip of the week: Be grateful
Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday

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