Mask Up in Public and in Private Space Preferably

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Sasi Nair

Mumbai, April 26

How long Corona virus is going to stay? or it seems so, at least for now, with India currently experiencing the second wave of it, something which is more lethal than the one which broke out last year. Even after getting vaccinated, one needs to wear masks and maintain social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus.

World Health Organization on its website states that masks should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives. When coronavirus is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue.

In a recent case the Delhi High Court had ruled that wearing a mask is compulsory even when driving alone in a private car. The high court had said that mask is a “suraksha kavach” (safety armour) that will help keep coronavirus at bay.

However, some sections of the society however have other ideas as they form their own opinions and will live and abide by it. In a recent incident a young couple from Delhi was sent to jail for not wearing masks while driving in their car and entering into heated arguments with police on being asked to pay the fine. The video of the couple arguing with police officials is viral on social media channels.

Delhi, the state where the incident took place, has been experiencing a spike in coronavirus cases forcing the state government to announce a one-week lockdown to break the chain of virus. Moreover, there have been reports of Delhi facing shortage of ICU beds and oxygen cylinders, which is alarming.

We are all living in extraordinary times and the ones surviving should count themselves lucky to have been not waiting for ambulances or lying-in hospital beds with oxygen cylinders. As the old adage says, prevention is always better than cure, it is important for the public to gear up to the challenges and conduct themselves appropriately to safeguard own lives and that of their near and dear ones, as well as the society, at large.

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