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Chithra Muraleedharan


A woman's period should never be a mystery to you. It is important to break the silence and stigmas around menstruation and to help in ensuring that more efforts are taken to educate men about it.

While menstruation has "men" in the word, not many men understand what it's like to go through having periods.  It’s something men can learn about but never experience.

Going with the scientific explanation, at an average period of 28 days  the female body sheds its old uterine lining Or say when the egg is not fertilized, the lining of uterus sheds which is called causing menstruation. Menstruation is not just blood flowing out of woman's body; it involves severe cramps, hormonal imbalances. Periods cramps occur because of the contraction of the uterus to expel its lining. 

The sheer amount of misogynist jokes that are shed over PMS over the years is not worth it. What men need to understand is it is an authentic problem. PMS occurs during the week or so before her period begins, and it really can make her feel like total crap. Menstrual cycle involves hormonal fluctuations, fluctuations in serotonin levels and chemical changes in brain. An Italian study has found that over 80 percent of young women reported pain with their periods. And for about 1 in 3 of them, the pain was so bad that it made them miss out on social events or other obligations. 

You may find her over sensitive, losing her temper quickly during the period. Instead of cribbing over it try to understand her and make her feel better. She would go mad over small things. It is less likely that she would remain calm. But before yelling or getting angry on her try and understand that it’s something that’s purely natural and that the mood swings and hormones are not in her hands to stabilize or balance. Suppose for some reason you are under pain, take for instance you have a severe headache and you have you wife telling you how her day was at office.

Will you be in a position to stay calm and listen to her? Or will you get irritated and mad over her? Can you take any arguments at that point of time? It’s the same with her. Don’t expect her to take arguments or criticisms lightly because the physical pain she's facing is already irritating her. If she argues over little things and gets mad over you for no reason don’t take it too personally, understand that it’s because of her hormones and has nothing to do with you.

Menstruation is a biological occurrence and is not something a girl chooses for herself .So please resist the urge to make a PMS joke next time.

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