AI trends supporting counseling and study abroad

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Anupama Nair

What is AI or Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. As the hype around AI has accelerated, in the last few years vendors have been rushing to promote how their products and services use AI. AI systems work by feeding large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the data for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to make predictions about future states.

Learning processes in AI programming emphasizes acquiring data and creating rules to turn the data into actionable information. The rules are called algorithms and provide computing devices with step-by-step instructions on how to complete a specific task.

AI is hastening the integration of information technology into the education system. AI-based education in the future will be driven by the use of data, intensive technology application, integrated innovation, and service optimization. AI-based education is still developing and not yet fully mature. While AI is a hot topic, the application of this technology in the education industry requires long-term efforts. The initial stage of AI application in education focuses on planning and tentative exploration.

Now I am going to talk about how AI impacts students, teachers and the University. When traditional learning methods were used, the same teaching materials and models were used for all students. High scores in examinations were the main focus. However, in AI personalized solutions are developed through a student-centered approach, in accordance with students’ specific needs.

When traditional methods were used teachers used to spend much time in homework checking. AI has changed the whole education process, taking the place of humans in teaching and disrupting previous models to educate students in accordance with their aptitude and needs. The traditional level-based model of school management leads to information levels among different departments, which in turn results in low management efficiency and limited educational resources obtained within the classroom.

The Pandemic has changed everything in the world. Schools and Universities across the world were shut to stop the spread of the deadly virus. In such tough times, schools and colleges started using online classes and that is where AI helps. Today’s colleges and universities face a wide range of challenges, including disengaged students, high dropout rates, and the ineffectiveness of a traditional “one-size-fits-all” approach to education. But when big data analytics and artificial intelligence are used correctly, personalized learning experiences can be created, which may in turn help to resolve some of these challenges.

As universities begin to apply AI to various operations, they will likely find that there are still a number of challenges to be resolved. Perhaps the most crucial point to address is the way in which educational institutions can best prepare students for the new technology-based world and the many disruptive technologies that will change the way people work. Students need to understand that over time, more repetitive and routine tasks will be automated and performed by artificial intelligence, automation, and robots. However, there will always be roles requiring creative skills, cognitive skills, and emotional intelligence skills.

As AI, is applied to education, the best results will come from combining the strengths of AI and human abilities. There will never be a time when humans aren’t necessary for the tasks related to education. For example, teachers will always play a crucial role in our society, as we must never underestimate the value of human interaction and critical thinking in the field of education

Universities need to become proactive in initiating pilot programs to test the use of AI in various ways, while critically considering the results and the ethical obligations that must be met along the way. Also, students should learn about how algorithms use data to make decisions, and their input into the design and development of AI systems should be invited and encouraged. Above all, students should remain informed about the ways in which their data is being used.

The major problem in using AI is that the poor students might not be able to afford a computer or smartphones. The Government and NGOs should help these students so that these students do not drop out. This is a social obligation, where society needs to help.

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