RIP Queen s English

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Anupama Nair

To speak global English i.e., English which is easily understood everywhere in the world is a dream of most people. But that is easier said than done. No one can dispute the assertive position of English as a communicative language in the world today. It is enjoying the status of the medium of instruction as well as a compulsory subject in many parts of the world. The failure rate of the students learning English is increasing which is deplorable. Failure in English means failure in public examinations and all other walks of life.

The English language is one of the most popular languages to learn and is perhaps the most spoken language around the world, and many people choose to learn the language simply to place them in a better position to secure work, or communicate more effectively with more people from around the globe. English might be a popular language to learn, but this doesn't necessarily mean it is a simple language to master, and there are many challenges people face while learning English and if you are aware of these challenges beforehand you stand a much greater chance of mastering the language.

The major hurdles faced by foreign speakers of English are:

  • The literal translation from vernacular language to English and vice-versa.
  • Grammatical and phonetical errors.
  • Uses of phrases and expressions in the wrong context or place.


What foreign users do is literally translate from their native language to English, forgetting that English is spoken differently. English has part of speech that should be used in a particular place only.


How to Think English


  • Start using small and simple sentences. Start your day with “good morning”, “how are you doing today?’’
  • Make conversation with others.
  • Get creative and use alternative words if you are struck on a word.
  • Build your vocabulary by reading good books and watching movies and documentaries.
  • Use English to English Dictionary.





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