When media turns a haysta

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Fishermen have created history in Kerala, leading the largest flood rescue operation in the state’s history. Now, it seems, the media too don’t want to be left behind in doing their bit.

In the aftermath of a devastating flood and landslides that claimed hundreds of lives and displaced over a million people in the southern peninsular state, help flowed in from several quarters.

The central government, states across the country and corporates have all come out to help the flood-ravaged state rebuild its lost infrastructure. Malayalees from every corner of the world are also using this opportunity to emphasize their brotherhood by helping their home state in its hour of need as well. Such expressions of solidarity does go a long way in infusing confidence among those affected by this disaster.

Among such efforts, this one stood out. Mumbai-based Media Eye News channel and Malanadu Television have come together to organise relief camps in Kerala, which is a kind of rarity by itself in the dog-fight-dog world of media. But these two organisations, run by Malayalees, have also co-opted other organisations, such as the Yashoda Charitable Trust Mumbai and the Business Network International (BNI) Trissur chapter, to add heft and reach to their relief efforts.


Sasi Nair, founder and managing trustee of Yasoda Charitable Trust , sees nothing unusual in this. Rather he thinks distress-reporters should also play the role of distress-relievers.

“They need to go beyond their usual role of reporting,” Mr Nair said in an event organised by the cluster of organisations last week in Annamada in Trissur district. “In fact, they are the people who have first-hand information about any such disasters and the consequent distress of the people. They know the depth of it. So it becomes their responsibility more than anyone else’s to come to the fore and participate in the relief works.”

“Like other institutions that come forward to help in such situations, media houses too should come forward,” Mr Nair added. 

The event, which was attended by Malanadu TV managing director R Jayesh, Elite Group chairman TR Vijayakumar,  and BNI representatives, was inaugurated by Jyotish Kumar IRS.

Dr. Bijoy Kutty, Director of Platinum Hospital Group in Mumbai offered more help in kind as medicine and money for such events in the coming weeks.

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