Noopura Sandhya Performance by Media Eye Events

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Bharatanatyam; the dance form which has evolved from the time back to the vedic period, where Brahma, the lord of Creation (Srushti) created the ‘Natya Veda” and taught to his son Bharata, and from Bharata to his disciples and so on. This celestial dance form is the blend (Laya) that evolves from the four elements – Bhava-Raga-Tala-Natya.

From Bharata Muni’s Natyasastra, based on the “Kaishikee Vruthi” , evolved the dance form of Mohiniyattam, the iconic art form of Kerala. Mohiniyattam is more of Lasya importance dance art where Sringara is the basic theme.

Media Eye Events is utmost happy to announce its new venture:

Vidya Nritya Sadan Dance Institute

A unique Institute for Indian Classical & Folk Dance forms, headed by Smt. Rama Vivek, a veteran dance artist who has been serving the dance fraternity as a teacher and a performer for past several years. Vidya Nritya Sadan will be pioneering the art fraternity in terms of quality training of Indian classical  dance arts in Mumbai.

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