Gourmet recipes transport you to Graub nden Switzerland

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New Delhi, Jan 28

 Graubünden is an eastern Swiss canton known for its dramatic Alpine scenery and winter sports. A gourmet holiday in Graubünden is distinguished by four ingredients: regional cuisine from three language areas, unrivalled mountain scenery, a wide range of adventure activities ranging from winter hiking to skiing, and warm Swiss hospitality. While you plan your real vacation, here are three recipes that will take you on a gourmet tour of this dreamy destination.

Barley Soup

Graubünden's most famous soup is probably the Bündner fleisch barley soup, which is well known far beyond the state border.

Ingredients for about 4 People

100 g coarse or medium barley

2 liters of water

40 g of butter

2 cubes of meat bouillon

1 tbsp salt

300 g pork smoked

200 g Bündnerfleisch

150 g bacon

1 leek stalk

1/2 cabbage

2 carrots

1/2 celery

200 ml of cream

1 onion

150 g of beans


Peel celery and carrots and cut into small cubes or strips.

Cut off the thick ribs from the cabbage and cut it into strips, slice the leek stalks.

Cut the onion into small pieces.

Heat the oil in a large pan and steam the celery and cabbage in it.

Add the barley, leek, beans, onion and about 2 liters of water.

Dissolve the bouillon cube and simmer for 2 1/2 hours.

Cut the meat into cubes and add to the soup and let it steep for another half hour.

After the cooking time, season with salt and pepper from the mill and add a little cream just before serving.


Maluns is a traditional Grisons dish. Maluns are made from potatoes that are grated and roasted with flour in butter. Have fun cooking.

Ingredients for 4-5 persons

1 kg potatoes, unpeeled, medium to large

10 gr (approx.) of salt, pepper from the mill, and spices

200 gr white flour

1 dl peanut oil

50 gr butter


Boil the potatoes in their jackets in salted water at least 24 hours before preparation of Maluns.

Peel and grate the potatoes.

Mix in flour and salt mixture. Mix the whole thing by hand until small lumps start to form.

Put the oil and 25 gr butter in a non-stick frying pan. When this is good and hot, put in the potato gratings and lump them together with a pair of wooden spoons, until the ingredients are crumbly and light brown in colour. At the end, add the remaining butter. Serve the Maluns with apple sauce, cranberry sause or Alpine cheese. People often drink cafe au lait with this dish.


Capuns are synonymous with the art of Grisons cooking, experimentation and imagination – there is not one recipe, but several. This variation of Capuns tatta Albin is lip-smacking.

Ingredients for 5 Persons

400 gr white flour

3 eggs

1 dl water

1 dl milk

Salt, pepper

1 pair of Landjäger sausages

1 Salsiz sausage (120 g)

100 gr smoked ham

10 gr parsley, chopped

10 gr green onion, chopped

20 gr horse mint

60 leaves of Swiss chard

4 dl bouillon

4 dl milk

100 grams grated Alpine cheese

50 gr butter

100 gr bacon bits


Put the flour in a bowl. Add eggs, water, milk and spices. Quickly make everything into a flat dough and pour some cold water on it.

Cube Landjäger, Salsiz and smoked ham or bacon. Cut up and put together with spices into the dough.

Wash chard leaves. Place a portion of the dough mixture onto each leaf and fold it up.

Cook the milk and bouillon together, add the Capuns and simmer for about 10 minutes. Take the Capuns out carefully, arrange on a plate, pour some of the broth on and sprinkle with cheese.

Fry the bacon bits in butter and sprinkle over the Capuns. Ready to eat!


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