Ways To Curb Food Waste

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While we all love eating delicious food, we often neglect the amount we waste; and if we don’t, then all we feel is a tinge of guilt while we dispose what we consider waste in the garbage. What we don’t realise is that reducing food waste might be a very effective and sure short way to reduce cost and increase sustainability. Here are 10 ways to help you do just that.

  • Only Buy What You Need

While a trip to the grocery store might be tempting, considering we come across aisles and aisles of delectable food options, don’t buy anything on impulse and only buy what you need when you need it and keep a grocery list handy to help you with it.

  • Freeze Fruits And Vegetables

Freezing preserves food for extended periods as it prevents the growth of microorganisms. Frozen fruits and vegetables are sometimes healthier than some of the fresh produce sold in supermarkets as they don't need other preservatives and also because they tend to be processed at their peak ripeness which is when they are the most nutrient-packed.

  • Reorganise Your Fridge At Regular Intervals

Don’t overcrowd your refrigerator and when you unpack your groceries, move the older stuff to the front and newer foods to the back so that you finish the old foods before they expire. The upper shelves are perfect for food that do not require cooking and beverages. You can also store fresh herbs on the top shelves as well. The lower shelves are the coldest space in your refrigerator to store items such as proteins and any raw ingredients. The door is the warmest section of the refrigerator and ideal for items that do not perish easily.

  • Don’t Keep Fruits and Vegetables Together

They spoil each other! When fruits approach maturity, they release ethylene, a natural plant hormone that helps fruit ripen. However, some fruits and vegetables are sensitive to this gas which speeds up their rotting process.

  • Don’t Keep A Rotting Fruit Among Fresh Ones

Apples, berries, potatoes etc. all of them can be jeopardized by just one rotten spoiler which is why you must check the bag before you store it.

  • Separate Bananas From Each Other

Separating bananas from each other increases their counter life. But if you must keep them together, wrap each in aluminium foil and whenever you are stuck with overripe bananas, don’t fret, just mash them up and use them up to bake palatable banana bread.

  • Invest In Air Tight Glass Containers

Another way to curb wastage is investing in air tight glass containers and mason jars to store your food properly as it keeps food safe and sometimes, even enhances the flavour of the food as well.

  • Use Vegetables Scraps

Instead of disposing the skins and pieces of vegetables that you aren’t using, keep them in a bag and freeze them to then make a vegetable stock from it. Besides this, vegetable scraps can also be used as compost for your kitchen garden.

  • Use Day Old Rice

This is another great way to make sure that you stick to your budget and make sure that what you pay for doesn’t end up in the garbage bin. You can use day old rice to make fried rice and stir fry, indulge in scrumptious casseroles or make rice pancakes; the choices are endless.

  • Use Unused Parts Of Vegetables

Turn unused greens into pesto and use stems, stalks, and other discarded produce parts to make soups or healthy salads. Also, you can turn your not so fresh herbs into dry ones by just microwaving them up for a minute or so. Besides this, you can also use peels of fruits as zests in desserts or to make marmalades as well.

(As Compiled By Prerna Mistry)

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