5 ways to protect your mental peace

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Divya Joyce


You care a lot about your calorie intake, your workout, and your diet plan. But do you equally give importance to your mental health? Have you noticed, nothing goes well if you lose your mental peace. In a world full of negative stimulation where you have to live up to the standards of society, it is very exhausting to find your space of peace. You're truly fit only if you're physically as well as mentally healthy. Here are few ways you can do to protect your mental peace.

1. Find some ME time everyday

"Me time” doesn’t have to be a whole day at the spa or pool. Just a few minutes squeezed into the middle of the day works if that’s all you have. You can (and should!) find a little time every day to relax and recharge, so whether it’s 20 minutes or a couple of hours. You can take a nap, treat yourself, do DIYs, listen to songs, watch movies, or even cook for yourself.

2. Ask for space if you're emotionally drained

Normalize asking for space without feeling guilty. It is OK to need some time away from the happenings around you. When it comes to needing time or distance, different people will have different needs. Between your obligations, social media, and your family live, you may feel like there's no space in there for you to just be your uninhibited self. But asking for space will only improve your bond with your communication with others.

3. Timely disconnection from technology

Social media can be toxic sometimes. It is becoming increasingly obvious that our world is developing an unhealthy attachment to technology.  Addiction to our technology and overall cell phone addiction can disrupt your mental peace. Unplugging helps remove unhealthy feelings of jealousy, envy, and loneliness.

4. Be comfortable saying NO when you feel like

NO is not always a bad or negative word. Learn to say no when you feel like it because it is completely fine. If something is going to make you unhappy or uncomfortable, say no. If you just don’t have the energy required for something, say no. If you simply don’t want to go somewhere or do something, say no. If you want to say no, just say no.

5. It is okay to ask for help when required

Nobody will know what you're going through or what u need until you speak of it. The most important step to protect your mental health is to ask for help whenever required. Try to talk to your family, friends, or anyone who can help you. Many times just talking can solve your problems and lighten your heart.

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