A 6 point mantra to achieve a glass skin

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New Delhi, May 27

 There are three degrees of flawless skin, leading aesthetic dermatologist Anupriya Goel was told by her hosts during a visit to South Korea, one of the major global centres of innovation and trendsetting in beauty products where skincare is akin to religion. There's 'dewy' skin, the most common and popular category; a step away is 'honey' skin or even transparent and radiant skin; and there's the mother of all skin types – the 'glass' skin, says Anupriya Goel, who has evolved a six-point mantra for achieving this ultimate and details this in a new book.

When she asked what was meant by glass skin, she was told: "Imagine skin so flawless and translucent that it shines like a crystal -immaculate, perfect and transparent; skin that is so succulent, radiant and clear that it actually reflects light!"

"My trip to South Korea, the Mecca of skincare had a huge impact on me. It is one of the major global centres of innovation and trendsetting in beauty products. For the Koreans, skincare is akin to religion. Glass skin is extremely popular and revered there. And I was amazed to see healthy glowing skin in a majority of the Koreans," Goel, who in 1987 established the Berkowits Hair and Skin Clinic here that has a pan-Indian presence today, said.

"So, I wondered: How is it that glass skin is so commonplace among them? What are the Koreans doing differently? Is it their genetic make-up? Are they secretly drinking some ancient magic potion that their grandparents have told them about? What are their Eureka skincare products? Is it their diet, so rich in fish and seaweed, that helps them achieve glass skin?

"The more I studied and dug deeper into the subject, the clearer the answers became and I thought to myself that every person in the world must know about this," Goel, an MSc in aesthetics from University of London, said of her book, "How to Get Glass Skin – Industry Secrets to Getting Flawless. Glowing Skin" (Ebury Press/Penguin).

What then, is Goel's six-point mantra?

* Understand your skin type. Using the wrong products, no matter how trendy they are, for a different skin type will cause more trouble for your skin.

* Understand your skin condition. The drill is not just about understanding your skin type but also identifying your skin condition and picking your products accordingly.

* Arm yourself with knowledge about what skincare ingredients go into the products before you buy them, and understand what they do.

* Get the right products for your skin.

* Follow a customized skincare routine diligently without missing even a single day. As in most areas of our life, a consistent approach produces the best results. If you suddenly stop a treatment, you won't achieve the desired results.

* Eat a healthy diet and include some form of exercise in your daily routine.

"Before we progress," Goel cautioned, "I want to make one thing very clear – there is no one magic product or ingredient that will help you get glass skin. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you snake oil. Skincare, just like any other ritual (think dental care – do you ever skip brushing your teeth?) should be part of your daily lifestyle. Only then will you see results."

South Korea has a temperate climate. Given the harsh climatic conditions in different parts of India, dietary preferences and the fact that one size does not fit all, how effective are Goel's suggestions for women across the spectrum or are they confined to just one part of the country?

"It is extremely important to know about your skin type and condition before diving in to follow a skincare routine. Whether you are in the northern part of the country or south, every part will have different seasons throughout the year. Similarly, it is important to know that your skin type changes with every season. This book just does that," Goel explained.

"With a step by step approach it has explained various skin types and conditions and the importance and science behind every skincare ritual. It also stresses on following your skincare routine consistently. Forming a skincare habit might sound challenging, but after reading this book you will discover the simplest, efficient and most convenient ways to do so correctly.

"This book will be your little skin guide which you can open and refer to any time for the recommendation of the most ideal products and home remedies which will suit your skin type. Just follow the steps diligently and consistently. Once you see your skin shining, trust me, skin care will become an addiction," Goel added.

What next? Is she planning another book?

"Being the medical director of Berkowits, hair and skin treatments are very close to my heart. After writing a book on skincare and putting out all my secret tips and favourite products to bring out healthy glowing skin, I would love to put out my views and tips on healthy strong hair. However, my viewers and and my patients have been my biggest strength. Their support, love and trust has always encouraged me. Their wish will be my command," Goel concluded.


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