CSIR-NBRI Creates Herbal Treatment to Improve Elderly Gout Symptoms

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New Delhi: The Ministry of Science and Technology announced on Thursday that older adults with gout may now consider using a new natural supplement made of plants that can help them live better every day.

The CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), located in Lucknow, has created an herbal supplement called “NBRI-Gout Out,” which combines five therapeutic plants.

Herbal medicine, which is funded by the Department of Science and Technology’s SEED Division under the “Scheme for Young Scientist and Technologist,” can help restore mobility and reduce related symptoms, including discomfort, stiff joints, redness, and so forth.

The herbal medicine, which was created by primary investigator Dr Ankita Misra and mentored by chief scientist and head Dr Sharad Srivastava at the pharmacognosy section of CSIR-NBRI, was shown to be “synergically efficacious in gout/gouty arthritis at par with standard drug colchicines.”

A series of in-vitro and in-vivo tests were used to evaluate the combination’s bioefficacy in a lab setting. Additionally, animal models were used to confirm the toxicity and safety of NBRI-Gout out.

The results demonstrated a noteworthy 80% decrease in uric acid and a roughly 70% decrease in inflammatory mediators, which are the main factors behind the pathogenesis of gout.

According to the ministry, it also demonstrated a notable improvement in mobility and a considerable decrease in discomfort and joint stiffness.

The supplement leaves no solvent residue behind and is entirely soluble in water. The raw materials do not endanger biodiversity and are freely accessible in the herbal medication industry.

“The product has been developed in AYUSH mode and is cost-effective, and two companies have shown interest in commercialisation. The herbal remedy can also be used as an adjuvant therapy along with the existing line of treatment in gouty arthritis, gouty flare, prophylaxis cases, and idiopathic cases having gout symptoms,” the ministry informed.

Increased blood serum uric acid levels cause gout, which affects a large portion of the population over 35.

There aren’t many herbal remedies on the market designed especially to treat gouty arthritis.

However, the ministry believes that many already available products that claim to reduce joint pain and inflammation are merely sold on the basis of conventional claims and lack scientific backing.






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