Homoeopathy can do wonders for skin diseases AYUSH

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New Delhi, Oct 12

There are many who certify that Homoeopathy can do wonders in cases of skin related viral diseases, Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) said on Monday.

A case study published recently in AYUHOM, the Research Journal of the North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy, Shillong illustrates this point, mentioned AYUSH.

The case study has been authored by Sangita Saha, Reader, Department of Organon of Medicine and Mahakas Mandal, Post Graduate Trainee, Department of Practice of Medicine, the Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital along with Koushik Bhar, Post Graduate Trainee, and the National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata.

Treatment of five patients suffering with five different skin diseases with Homoeopathy has given notable results which give a boost to the conviction of the positive effects of Homoeopathic medicine on such skin disorders.

Skin diseases are numerous and frequently occurring health problems affecting all ages, not only India, but globally also.

The Global Burden of Disease project has shown that the skin diseases continue to be the fourth leading cause of non-fatal disease burden worldwide.

Experts engaged with Homoeopathy treatment opine that Homeopathic approach to common viral skin diseases can be a game changer in offering affordable and effective solutions to a large number of people.

The case study was done on five patients with Wart, Herpes Zoster and Molluscan Contagiosum. Skin warts are benign tumours caused by infection of keratinocytes. Herpes Zoster results from reactivation of varicella-zoster virus (that also causes chickenpox). On the other hand, Molluscan contagiosum is a viral skin infection caused by closely related types of Pox Virus, and is common with children worldwide, especially in warm climates.

"It is known that Homoeopathy treats the patient, not the disease. Thus, the skin manifestations were treated by the means of internal medication following the principles of Homoeopathy, in these cases. And the results are extremely encouraging," the Ministry said.

After applying the indicated medicines as per the guidelines of Organon of Medicine and in different phases as per the susceptibility of each individual patient, it has come out that the medicines were able to not only remove the skin lesion efficiently, but also to provide relief to the associated symptoms of the patient.

"Not only that, none of the patients complained about any adverse effect during the treatment."

The case studies can be considered as a pilot project, said the Ministry, adding randomised controlled trials with larger sample size can be taken up in the next stage so that conclusive evidence on the healing power of Homoeopathy for viral skin diseases can be generated.







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