Job portal seeks to bond job-seekers, recruiters

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Frustrated by the lack of adequate or relevant response to your application for a job? A job portal contends that such frustration will soon be a thing of the past. is seeking to “revolutionise” the recruitment landscape in the country by removing barriers between job seekers and recruiters.
According to a company official, the job portal, through its innovative services, dramatically increases the response rate of an application. And the services include those of experts who work with applicants to understand their goals and craft resumes that achieve results.
 “We help young students, who are on the threshold of getting into the professional world, settle in through induction activities,” the spokesperson said.
 “We also provide a range of essential information through our online learning packages. These cover various topics, including induction and equal opportunities,” he added.
 The portal not only offers defined categories to search for the right jobs, it also offers advice columns on the latest career opportunities, trending markets, industries and consulting.
 Roozgaar offers the facility of either posting your resume on the website or getting the executives mail you the best options for you.
 Selecting a top-quality service can be the key to a job-seeker’s success. The professional resume-writing industry has evolved considerably over the past 25 years, and the most dramatic changes have occurred throughout the last decade as more and more individuals utilise the internet as part of their job search, the company said. offers a unique feature that allows you to calculate the salary an employer can pay — or should pay — given your experience or qualification.
 “Thousands of recruiters have been registered under Roozgaar, who post their latest requirements online, which one can directly apply to, simply by creating an account,” the company spokesperson said in a statement.
 The portal has tie-ups with most leading companies. As a major online employment solution firm for people seeking jobs and employers in need of a talent pool, it has gradually expanded to a offer a full array of job-related services — from opportunities to career management.
 The spokesperson pointed out that often a perfectly qualified and skilled candidate is not considered for a job because of the lack of a good curriculum vitae (CV) and interview techniques.
 “If your CV doesn’t accurately reflect your skills, abilities and personality, or if you are unsure how to persuade an interviewer that you are the best person for the job, how can you make the most of your potential?" he said.
 "That is exactly where we step in and ensure all lose ends are tied up."

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