Poor Neighbourhood Associated with Increased Symptoms of ADHD in Children with Autism

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New Delhi: A recent study found that children with autism who are born into impoverished neighbourhoods are more likely than those from more resource-rich areas to display increased symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

This study, conducted by researchers at the University of California-Davis’ MIND Institute, is the first to examine the influence of neighbourhood characteristics on ADHD symptoms in children with and without autism. The results have the potential to significantly influence public policies aimed at increasing health equity.

“We found that certain neighbourhood factors strongly correlate with ADHD symptoms in autistic children,” said Catrina Calub, the study’s first author and postdoctoral researcher at the UC Davis MIND Institute.

“Interestingly, this effect was not observed in typically developing children or those with other developmental disabilities. It suggests that autistic kids in resource-poor neighbourhoods experience more severe ADHD symptoms.”

Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behaviour are some of the symptoms of ADHD that can cause serious problems for a person’s academic performance, social interactions, and emotional health. These symptoms have also been connected to a higher chance of accidents and drug use disorders.

The study used data on 246 children from two long-term studies that followed development from early childhood through adolescence. The researchers used the Child Opportunity Index, a comprehensive tool that gauges more than 30 neighbourhood characteristics, such as socioeconomic status, educational accessibility, and healthcare resources. Higher index scores are typically linked to improved childhood health and development.

A pattern not observed in children who are not autistic was found in the analysis: lower Child Opportunity Index scores at birth were a robust predictor of greater ADHD symptoms in adolescence.

“These results are concerning,” said Calub. “Autistic children with ADHD face compounded challenges, and being born in low-income neighbourhoods exacerbates these difficulties. Our findings underscore the urgent need for more resources in underserved areas, especially for children with autism.”

To further investigate these correlations and guide interventions aimed at reducing the negative effects of neighbourhood deprivation on symptoms of ADHD, the researchers advocate for bigger, more varied studies. These studies should include a wider range of neighbourhood characteristics and a larger sample size to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.





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