Simple Morning Ayurvedic Rituals

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Shazneen Mistry

It is important to start one’s day on a positive note, the mornings should be all about early starts, cleansing, invigorating the body and stimulating the mind, and getting ready for the day.

It is also essential to practice certain lifestyle habits to energize one’s morning, and as per Ayurveda. Six actives are essential to incorporate in the morning for a healthy lifestyle. These practices called ‘Dinacharya’ help to cleanse the body from within while providing much-needed energy.

 Six to 10 AM is ‘Kapha’ time and the energy is ruled by the elements of water and earth and hence we want to bring in the opposite qualities to create balance, said Ayurveda practitioner Geeta Vara. The Six principles to follow are-


It is essential to eliminate all the toxics that have been accumulated in the body overnight through bowels, bladders, and anywhere else like ears, nose, mouth.

Tongue scraping

Gently scraping the tongue helps clean it. A uniform pink color indicates tissues called the mucosa. This should also be accompanied by oil pulling.


Daily self-massage is essential, not a luxury (oil massage or dry body brushing). This is known to increase the blood circulation in the body, and help prevent injury.


Get some exercise going. Any sort of exercise gets the muscles engaged. You utilize your energy in the right way (Surya Namaskar is a perfect start).

Breath and meditate

Clear out the subtle toxins through the breath, emotions, and from the mind (there are specific yogic practices specifically for this time).

Herbal tea

Clear out any digestive toxins first thing and power up your system with plain tea, ginger tea, lemon tea, or even fennel tea.

In conclusion, it can be seen that practicing these activities in the morning will help clear all the toxins present in one's body which will make the morning fresh leading to a healthy and good day.

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