The Benefits of Ginger Tea

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Shazneen Mistry

A change in weather or season can affect one’s health and lead to issues like sore throat and digestive disorder. Due to Corona-virus, many people have also kept the emphasis on improving one’s immunity and staying safe from the virus.

The best thing to do to improve immunity is to simply make yourself a cup of steaming Ginger Tea, and add a little lemon juice and honey. Some of the ayurvedic practitioners believe that “the spicy and sweet ginger tea is the perfect blend of opposites”.

The advantages of ginger tea are:

* It helps soothe one’s throat.

*Take away the laziness.

*Burn the belly fat.

*Reduces abdominal ache due to gas.

*Boost one’s digestive system.

*Reduce bloating.

* Helps with weight loss.

*Improve immunity.

How to make this soothing tea:


1 inch – Ginger, cut or smashed
1 glass- Water
Lemon juice


*Boil one inch ginger in water. Let it simmer for 5-7 minutes.
* Then add lemon juice to the water.
* It is important to add honey after the tea gets to room temperature or is lukewarm and not while it’s hot.

To conclude, it is safe to say that this tea is really beneficial and has multiple purposes. But one needs to keep it in their minds that, Ginger also has the potency to be hot, so it should be avoided by people who have a bleeding disorder and excess pitta. In that case, one can use CCF (made of fennel, cumin, and coriander seeds).


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