216 people involved in Indonesian terror acts from Jan May

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Jakarta, May 28

At least 216 people from various militant groups were involved in acts of terrorism in Indonesia from January to May, according to the National Counterterrorism Agency.

"There were 71 people from the Jemaah Islamiyah, and 144 from the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah, and one deportant," Xinhua news agency quoted the agency chief, Boy Rafli Amar as saying in a statement on Thursday.

These groups are still carrying out their acts of terrors until now, added Amar.

On March 28, a suicide bombing at the Makassar cathedral church, South Sulawesi, killed two of the perpetrators and injured 20 others.

This was the first major terrorist incident in Indonesia since a series of attacks in East Java Province in May 2018, including suicide bombings at three churches in the provincial capital of Surabaya that left more than 20 people dead.


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