CIA chief meets ISI officials, Pakistan army chief

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 Director of US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) John Brennan met Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt.Gen. Zaheer ul Islam here to discuss security situation along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
 The CIA chief also met Pakistan Army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif before flying back to the US Sunday, Dawn reported Monday citing its sources.
 The CIA chief was sent by US President Barack Obama to get security assessment of the region and also to seek cooperation from the ISI to increase sharing of secret information and tracing kidnapped US soldier, Bowe Bergdahl.
 They might have also discussed sealing of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border to stop cross border movement of the Taliban militants, said the sources. The militants pose serious threat to both Pakistan and US troops in Afghanistan, a security source said.
 Pakistan asked the CIA chief to help its security forces in destroying militant sanctuaries located in Afghanistan, from where the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan launch their attacks against Pakistan.

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