Pakistan to release Abhin

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New Delhi: Indian Air Force pilot Abhinandan Varthaman will be released from Pakistan tomorrow. National agencies have reported that Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has made this statement in their national assembly.

Imran Khan said that they would release the Indian pilot as a "gesture of peace" and not because of any fear.

"Yesterday I tried to call Prime Minister Narendra Modi to inform him to de-escalate issues. We are not afraid. We don't want any escalation in the situation," said Imran.
Imran added that their decision to free pilot as a"gesture of peace".  India had taken a strong stand to get back pilot and informed that there wouldn't be any deals for that gesture. India will make the final stand in a joint press conference of the three armed forces at 7 in the evening. Yesterday India warned Pakistan to immediately return back the Indian Air Force pilot captured in Pakistan and strongly objected to Pakistan's vulgar display of personnel.

The External Affairs Ministry said that Pakistan violated norms of International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Convention. India expects the safe and immediate return of the pilot. Pakistan never takes any measures to eradicate terrorism from their soil, instead attacks India.

It was a shambolic display of Pakistan's culture to display pilot's visuals. It is a violation of international treaty. India says the nation has the right to take action as part of the national interest. The International law clearly tells that the images and videos of military personnel should not be displayed when the opponents capture them.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has amended their statement on the number of Indian pilots they have under their custody, saying they have captured only one pilot. Initially, they had claimed they two pilots were with them. Pakistan's Army Maj. General A. Gafoor had earlier claimed they arrested two pilots and shot down two Indian fighter jets. Prime Minister Imran Khan had also stated the same. Indian government issued a statement on Wednesday confirming that one Pakistan Air Force fighter aircraft was shot down by a MiG 21 Bison of the Indian Air Force. The statement underlines that we have lost one MiG 21. The pilot is missing in action.

The Pakistan Air Force was detected and the Indian Air Force responded instantly. In that aerial engagement, one Pakistan Air Force fighter aircraft was shot down by a MiG 21 Bison of the Indian Air Force. The Pakistani aircraft was seen by ground forces falling from the sky on the Pakistan side. In this engagement, we have unfortunately lost one MiG 21, the statement said.

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