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The Taliban again launched attacks on Afghan security forces just 48 hours after the week-long seven-day "reduction in violence" pact agreed by the two sides came into effect in the war-torn country, the media reported.

The two attacks on Sunday were reported in Kandahar province, Tolo News quoted local officials as saying.

The incidents comprised an attack by the Taliban on an Afghan security convoy in Shah Wali Kot district, and in the same district a mine exploded near an armoured vehicle of government forces.

The reduction in violence pact came into force on Saturday and just a few hours later, there were at least eight clashes between the Taliban and Afghan security forces.

The clashes were reported on Saturday in Faryab, Uruzgan, Paktia, Balkh, Baghlan, Badghis, Helmand and Kapisa provinces, TOLO News reported.

In a statement earlier on Saturday, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said the areas which fall under the pact were "centres of all provinces, all corps (Afghan military corps), units, divisions (Afghan army divisions) and all foreign bases".

Any shelling and attacks in the areas which does not fall under the agreement, "shouldn't be taken as a violation, because this is not a nationwide ceasefire", he said in a Twitter post.

The reduction in violence came ahead of the signing of a peace deal between the US and Taliban on February 29.

The peace deal was negotiated between the two sides over the past 18 months in Doha.

The expectation is that this signed agreement will lead to intra-Aghan talks between the Taliban on one side, and a delegation representing the Afghan republic's government and political and civil establishment, on the other.

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