80 Indian moms find prep

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At least 80 per cent of moms in India find preparing breakfast is not her favourite cooking moment, according to a new study revealed on Thursday.

For the findings, electrical appliances major V-Guard partnered with online portal Momspresso.com and conducted nationwide survey "Understanding the breakfast routine of Moms" with 500 Indian moms.

Considering that morning hours are very demanding, the survey revealed that 84 per cent of moms find kitchen activities the most stressful part of that time of the day.

"The survey helped us tremendously in identifying the gaps Indian moms experience in the kitchen and we are totally aligned with her need for support, especially for breakfast preparation," said V Ramachandran, Director and COO, V-Guard Industries Ltd.

The study also found that eight out of 10 moms feel breakfast options are limited and they are always on the lookout for variety as everyone gets bored of eating the same things every day.

According to the survey, moms are not satisfied with the breakfast they prepare and nearly 30 per cent of them find thinking about what to cook to be the biggest challenge and least enjoyable.

Eight per cent of these women wish they could get more help in preparing breakfast as seven out of 10 moms cook all meals of the day themselves with very little support.

Interestingly, the survey also highlighted that seven out of 10 moms in India expect their husbands to help them with kitchen work.

"This survey brings out a very clear stress point of Indian moms – the very hectic morning routine how the onus seems to be entirely on the moms," said Vishal Gupta, Co-Founder and CEO- Momspresso.com.

"We are sure that through this survey report, we can create a dialogue and foster discussion on what moms need, what are they expecting as help from their family members and ultimately how the family can make the most important meal of the day, a stress-free experience," Gupta added.

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