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By Radhika Nair

The translucent moonlight settles on my room's 

ceiling, bugging me to take notice.

As the day has been long gone and the sun dipping

far below, questions my current motive.

The drizzlig rain shells another beauty of the

delirious dark, making it hard to let go of tonight.

The primary ignition of captivating the goddess of

sleep rebooting your system must be set right.

Roundabout the edge of midnight, the brazen

melancholia in me has arisen.

Sobbig about facing the deceitful tomorrow makes

me invite an uncalled liaison.

The ticking clock leaves behind my second of calm,

forbidding me to resurrect my numbness.

The bedspread longing for me crawl on it, makes me 

drift away to the utter wildness.

Can't the time slow down its haste to finish the night

as my limbs act quite unheeded?

The lusty want of a tired body and soul wishing to

sleep till the afterlife is much needed.

And when the night slowly comes to a standstill, it

brims my brain and the vibes turn blue.

The thought of encountering the rush hours of the

day makes me picture my work station's view.

The curtains caress my window blinds shutting the

ugly world outside, draping it so humbly.

I dread the moment it will unwittingly welcome the

sunshine, yearning me to get up so numbly.


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