2021 10 21 Heightened activities by Pakistani security agencies

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New Delhi, Oct 21

Pakistan has enhanced its activities in different locations through its proxies and contacts with the aim of targeting Indian interests. This is a typical syndrome which the country faces when it is in dire straits.

Today, the state of affairs in Pakistan is indeed worrisome with internal differences between the Army and the Prime Minister dominating the narrative while Pakistan strives hard to get a firm foothold in Afghanistan.

With groups like the TTP not being on the same page as the Taliban and aggressively pursuing their destructive agenda and with differences continuing to prevail among the Taliban leadership, the future does not appear as bright and promising for Pakistan.

In such a scenario there is bound to be increasing efforts by the ISI to pursue its traditional anti India activities with the aim of creating instability in India and also to divert attention and keep India tied down.

One has thus witnessed hectic activities by the ISI teams located in different countries, especially in the neighbourhood who have been mischievously indulging in planning and implementing projects against Indian interests.

The ISI has built contacts among long-term local residents of Pakistani origin in different countries who have been extensively used to identify influential local contacts and create an effective network of prominent individuals who could push the Pakistani agenda on various topics while taking up issues critical of India.

In this connection, at the behest of the Pakistani establishment, a group of Sri Lankan nationals, led by Mohamed Shiraz, Mohamed Yunus, held a webinar on "Indian Expansionist Designs — A challenge for the regional countries in general and Sri Lanka in particular" on September 15 in Geneva.

The anti-India protest was held in the vicinity of UNHCR under the theme "Indian attitude terrifying to South Asia" and "India's bond toxic to Sri Lanka".

Mohamed Yunus is the national coordinator — Muslim Affairs, to Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and is known to have close links with the ISI.

He interacts quite regularly with Pakistan High Commission in Colombo and is known to coordinate his activities in sync with the Pakistani Mission in Colombo.

A number of other Sri Lankan nationals associated with the aforesaid anti-India webinar include Abdul Latif Farooq, a veteran Muslim author and journalist and Yousuf Marikkar, former guest lecturer at the University of Colombo.

Mohamed Yunus is also known to be in touch with the Chinese Embassy in Colombo on a regular basis.

The coordination and association between Pakistani and Chinese security officials posted at their missions abroad has also been an interesting feature worth noting. There are increasing signs of close cooperation between the ISI and their Chinese counterparts at various locations to push through the common agenda of targeting India.

This is a phenomena which has been noticed in locations in most South Asian countries as well as in India.

Such sharing of information and close coordination between intelligence operatives and those representing the security establishment of both countries is of significance, especially from the Indian point of view. Security experts claim that Indian security establishments need to keep a strict and more closer check on such activities and thwart any coordinated action by representatives of various agencies operating in India and other locations with the objective of targeting Indian interests.




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