Earth, environment and some thoughts.

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“Pleasant by thy hills, O Earth, thy snow-clad mountains and thy woods! O Earth brown, black, red and multi-colored, the firm Earth protected by Indra. On this Earth may I stand unvanquished, unhurt, unstained?” – Atharva Veda.
Can you imagine our world facing increased threats of apocalyptic hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, floods, diseases and extinction caused by global warming? Some say that scientists are overreacting and that the situation is not as bad as it seems. Well, think twice. Planet earth is beautiful a place to live in. Fortunately or unfortunately there is no place like Earth in this entire blanket of cast cosmos which can harbor life; at least in the near future where our species can migrate to. 
From mountains to the coral reefs and to the rain forests nature can awe any human being aesthetically. We all love nature but in a true sense how many of us would care for the protection of nature and why? Would it really matter if the species would go endangered or extinct? 
The environmental debate has never been that important as it has become now. Human civilization and economic growth have plundered into the ecosystem. Civilization cannot give realization about themselves, nature, about the divine, in front of something that is greater than you. Does paying homage and heeding concern just means, celebrating a day called Earth Day? 
Has our conscience stooped down so low that we need a day to remember Earth? Have we outgrown the 20th-century concept of a single day of environmental activism in a time when even Wal-Mart carries biodegradable dog poop bags and electric cars are the "must have" vehicle of the year? When "climate change" is part of our cultural vernacular and solar is the hope of the future. 
The whole idea of superiority is a human psychosis. Evolution of mankind has been amazing and at the same time detrimental to the animal kingdom. Greedily aiming for self-survival humans failed to skim and ponder over the life that has been pleading for its survival behind the mist. Forgetting or rather deliberately thrashing all the morals, ethics and most importantly self-conscience, mankind walked away. 
Humans failed to understand that they are nothing but a small family member of a huge, vast kingdom. Humans have failed to accept or rather understand the fact that we are all (including all species) connected. 
Wisdom and science has grown so big that a few billions can stand against 100 trillion other species and would it really matter if these species would go endangered or extinct? Only when people realize what wilderness can provide them then can people pay for its services. 
If one would take a panoramic view of the planet one would realize that there are destroyed areas, fragmented environmental damages but incredible vast wildernesses. While these endangered species exist we should be hopeful that they can continue to live and survive in these incredible places. 


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