Instagram Reels the new sensation on social media

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Mili Desai

In August 2020 Instagram launched its feature known as Reels in India. This took place after the ban of the popular video-sharing app Tik-Tok. Reels are a short video feature of 3-15 seconds. The new feature lets users create videos on the app, add creative filters and music and share it beyond their regular followers. This feature was launched as they saw a huge amount of video content that was for 15-20 seconds so they came up with the idea of Reels.

Reels option is added to the Instagram camera section similar to Boomerang, among others. To start making reels one needs to open the camera section and select reels to create a 15 seconds video content. Similar to TikTok, Reels provide options like audio from the Instagram Music library, speed, effects,  and timer. Reels can be posted on the feed as well as can be added to your stories and the reach can be to numerous people if your account in public as it appears in the explore feed. Brands and creators have found that these reels in more than just views. Many have seen their follower counts and engagement rates increase, too.

One can use this feature for multiple purposes it’s not only restricted to singing or dancing but one can also promote their business through it. Many small businesses have emerged during the pandemic that creates reels and showcases their talent on them. Instagram Reels was much anticipated and a lot of brands are looking for ways to capitalize on this platform. Also, it’s a pleasure for the audience to watch creative content from all over the world. These small videos are very effective and pleasant to create and watch at the same time. Millennials are the ones who are most addicted to this feature they spend most of the time seeing it. It’s one of the ways to be entertained through social media.

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