Use of Social Media in career counselling

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Anupama Nair

Career Counselling is the knowledge of how to guide a candidate in choosing his/her career. Easier said than done isn’t it? A company needs to device a strategy to promote its business and it is extremely crucial to know and understand the ways to market it. In today’s world, Social Media is also used to promote one’s business.

What is Social Media? In layman’s terms “it is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. The largest and most popular social media networks are Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter and Linked In. Mostly we use these sites to communicate with our friends and family and later it was used by companies that wanted to take advantage of a popular new communication method to reach out to customers. It can be rightly said “ every single moment of our life is documented on social media – from the moment we wake up till the time we fall asleep, including the biggest milestones of our lives. In fact, it is so integrated into our lives that hardly an hour ever goes by without us checking our feed or notifications”. Even children now learn to use social media, and parents need to monitor their activities, as it could be misused. Social media is a good platform to promote our counselling skills.

LinkedIn is the biggest professional network in the world, and the first stopover while seeking to build a network. Not only working professionals but also students can benefit from LinkedIn. It helps in building a strong network. LinkedIn offers the platform to connect and engage with peers, professionals, and industry-specific networks and creates opportunities for all.

Facebook contributes to maximum public attention through the medium of Facebook Ads and business pages. Using Facebook, we can build up a network by being a part of the groups. Facebook has groups where people from similar interests, backgrounds and fields come together to engage in conversations, share opportunities, industry updates and news about their fields. All we need to find these groups is by going to the ‘Groups’ section and clicking ‘discover’.

Twitter Lists are another great way to discover and follow relevant Twitter accounts. With Twitter Lists, we can stay updated with the trends, developments and interesting ideas in our field of business. All we need to do is create a business group, and then we can follow conversations from leaders in the same field, and even tweet back when we have something to contribute.

No matter where we go and what field we get into, our skills speak before we do, and we can market our skills through social media. In the past, we could only rely on a learned few within our closed network (teachers, siblings, parents, friends, co-workers, etc.,) but, the concept of connectivity has opened the doors for us to benefit from the expertise of billions across the globe. It is a virtual world we are living in today.  

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