Charlotte von Schedvin PK loves story Part X

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By, Swami Madhava Chaitanya

When a human mind likes something, it means that the human mind does not like something that belongs to the same category. For example, a man likes spicy food but does not like sweets. The human mind cannot naturally see what it likes and dislikes as two equal things. It is moving only to what it likes. Every human mind is a carrier of a large community of likes and dislikes. Similarly, in every human mind, there are large societies of thoughts as "this is right and "this is wrong". There are certain societies in every human mind that are associated with actions as dos and don'ts.

The human mind separates the objects of the external universe into those that can bring happiness and those that can bring sorrow. Two emotions of love and hate are enduring in the minds of all human beings. Human minds can be divided into two types on the basis of cruelty and tenderness. Although the general emotions of human beings can be divided into two main categories, there is another category with a mixed nature of two main types of emotions.

All the discussions that take place in the world, in general, will be about some kind of mental emotion. All legal systems are based on the emotions of the mind. The Christian Bible, the Islamic Qur'an, and the Jewish Scriptures are all based on emotional feelings. In all these religious scriptures there are many statements that something can be done and something cannot be done. These books consider mental feelings and actions as absolute truths and give them laws, punishments, and rewards. But in the true spiritual science, they are all only superficial, like waves on the surface of the ocean.

Nothing that is movable in true spiritual thought is an eternal truth. Therefore, constantly moving mental emotions are not eternal truths. That is, spiritual science is about the soul. Spiritual science is about knowing the nature of the soul. The soul means it is neither a movable or immovable. The soul is the knower. not the known. Nothing known is the soul. The source by which all knowledge shines is the soul. True spiritual science is the realization that the consciousness of self is not merely a mental emotion. The consciousness of self is not just an arrogant thought. The consciousness of self is the spiritual light from the soul. When all the things on earth shine in the sunlight, it is as if sunlight is never a part of it. The same way the soul illuminates mental emotions but the soul is never a part of it. The soul is not touched by any impurities of mental emotions or actions. True spiritual science reveals the way to realize the eternal truth that the absolute soul is the human soul.

The soul cannot be known without knowing the universe. The nature of the soul is unchanging. The universe is changing. The universe is with three different natures: creation, protection, and destruction. Duality is the nature of the universe. Knowledge and actions are two parts of the universe. Each particle of the universe has these both sides, it will give knowledge, and it will participate in actions.

Light is the symbol of knowledge and darkness is the symbol of actions. The human body has ten senses. Five for earning knowledge and five for doing actions. There is no existence of wisdom and action in the universe independent from consciousness.

In the fullness of light and in the fullness of darkness, the universe completely disappears. Light is the real thing and darkness is only manifested in the absence of light. Just as there are two categories of birds and animals in the world. Living in the dark and living in the light. In the same way, there are two categories in human society. Human society can be mainly divided into those who use knowledge for life success and those who use action for life success. All the ruling classes in the world believe in action. Work is the use of force. Those who give importance to the development of knowledge give importance to scriptures and teachers. The purity of mind and development of intellect are essential for self-knowledge.

The path of knowledge can be mainly divided into two. Wisdom of the soul and material wisdom. In human society, two subdivisions are formed parallel to the main divisions, just as two divisions are formed by the south and the north, parallel to the two main divisions, the east, and the west. Determining the quality and value of goods and the business community that markets them are two subdivisions. The working class who made physical strength their way of life is another subdivision. Those who follow the path of wisdom give importance to intellectual power. Those who follow the way of deeds give importance to the ruling power. Those who give importance to business give importance to the money power. The working class gives importance to organized power.

Conflict in human society arises when these four groups try to dominate one another. The main cause of the conflict is the attempt to prove that the noblest section belongs to them. Just as there are four divisions in human society in terms of knowledge and action, there are four divisions in terms of body color. White, black, yellowish, and brownish is the four-color divisions of the human race. These groups' domination attempt to each other also creates conflict in human society.

Human society can be divided into two main categories, vegetarian and non-vegetarian, in terms of food. Those who eat all kinds of meat and make meat their main food. There is another group of people who use freshwater fish as their food, even though they are vegetarian. Thus, by combining these two sub-categories, there are four categories in the human diet. Most of the Indian religions follow vegetarian foods. They see impurity in fish and meat. Christianity, Islam, and the Jewish religion have a different view.

Mother tongue and birth land are the most influential in human life. Names, it’s meaning forms, and thoughts – it is in these trinities that the development of human life takes place. This is the reason why human attachment naturally moves to the mother tongue, birth land, and nationality. Only the awakened state is considered to be living in human societies. The main difference between the dreaming state and the awakened state is that the awakened state is a continuum. Dreams do not have such a continuum. Waking up in the same place where slept. There is no guarantee that the dream will happen in the place where slept. Sleeping can happen in one country and the dream can happen in another country.

The combination of the three properties is the basic form of all matter in the universe. In spiritual sciences, it is called three gunas. These three gunas are called: sattva (goodness, constructive, harmonious), rajas (passion, active, confused), and tamas (darkness, destructive, chaotic). In another way pure light, pure darkness, and a combination of the two. In physics, it's called, proton, neutron, and electron. According to its fluctuations, the character formation of substances and organisms takes place. In the complete destruction of the quality of an object, that object itself disappears. That means, the destruction of quality is the destruction of matter itself. Material combination is actually a combination of properties. Qualitative transformation occurs in any combination of decay. Bodies of any kind are essential for virtues to exist. In other words, bodies are created for the states of qualities.

There are two types of bodies found in the world: living and non-living. Living bodies are of two types, moving and non-moving. Although plants are alive and they have the expansion, but they do not have the freedom of movement that animals and humans have. There is no freedom to move from one place to another. Inanimate bodies can be of two types: liquid and solid. Thus the matter bodies found in the world are also four kinds. All bodies are inanimate. Inanimate means that which have no self-experience. Everything known by another is inanimate.

Without distinction whether it is alive or dead. without distinction whether it is movable or immovable the basic nature of all matter in the universe is the same. Everything is a collection of molecules with three properties. Although they have different forms, different colors, different natures, and different forces, the basic nature of everything is the same.

The whole universe is illuminated by the soul, just as the sun illuminates the earth. It exists in the soul and merges in the soul.

The next part of the story will upload very soon

Swami Madhava Chaitanya

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