Tokyo Olympics 2020

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Shazneen Mistry

This is an upcoming international multi-sport event that has been scheduled for July will be going on till the first week of August. This year the 2020 Olympics will be held in Japan. Originally the tournaments were going to take place in March, but due to the pandemic and the lockdown, the event had to be postponed.

This is a much-awaited sporting event by all the athletes as well as the sports fans, as this tournament takes place every four years and only the best of the players are selected to compete here and represent their country.

The tentative dates for this sports are from 23rd July to 8th August, but it can be seen that the dates might be extended again as recently the Brazil team was tested covid positive. The case is still in discussion to see if they will be continuing with the Olympics or are planning to postpone it again.

The Indian team's representatives are all ready to leave for these games, but currently, the Indian contingent officials who reached Tokyo on Wednesday, earlier than the participants to check the stay and the other provisions, allayed concerns over long waiting hours at the Tokyo airport and the stay of athletes at the Olympic Game Village. The officials mentioned that they had had a hassle-free experience and were cleared through immigration in less than two hours, from the airport and boarded their transport within two hours of the arrival.

The wait for the Covid test at the airport was not more than 40 minutes. The authorities there asked if the health of the individual has been monitored for 14 days, and whether they have uploaded their Covid negative certificate (test done 72 hours before departure) in the OCHA health app as they had asked for. If not, then they shall help one with the app process. Testing is also a smooth process, and there is no need to panic. One has to give their samples and wait for 30-40 minutes. There were even volunteers present to help the crew through every step, from testing to navigating through a health app and arranging transport for us.

Further, it has been mentioned that the athletes going from India will have to quarantine for three days because India is among 14 nations listed in the high-risk category as per Covid protocols. There were fears regarding the diet of athletes during their quarantine period.


On the arrival at the Games Village, they were handed keys to the rooms of the entire contingent, there would not be any issues regarding food as Indian athletes will be allowed to eat in the dining area on a separate floor specially marked for them as eating in the rooms is not allowed.

Three floors have been provided in Tower 15, where there would be around 182 rooms of single and double beds. Seeing that the Indian team contingent strength along with the athletes and coaches will be checking in and out (after their events), it could be possible that they will be able to provide single rooms for almost everyone.

The officials have added that “We were very happy with the facilities and the staff is very helpful and kind. Indian athletes need not fear at all, everything has been taken care of.” This event will be really exciting for the viewers as well as the participants as these games have been much awaited for months. Best of Luck to all the participants. DO YOUR BEST.


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