Twitter flags Trump tweet about being immune to coronavirus

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San Francisco,  Twitter has flagged and labeled a tweet by US President Donald Trump that he is now immune to coronavirus, as it violated the rules against sharing coronavirus misinformation on its platform.

Twitter disabled sharing options on the tweet from Trump on Sunday.

Trump said in the tweet: "A total and complete sign off from White House Doctors yesterday. That means I can't get it (immune) and can't give it. Very nice to know!!"

If his followers attempted to share the tweet, a pop-up Twitter alert said: "We try to prevent a Tweet like this that otherwise breaks the Twitter Rules from reaching more people".

This is not the first time Twitter disabled sharing on a controversial tweet by Trump. The platform has labeled several of Trump's tweets for violating its policy.

"It seems like I'm immune, so I can go way out of a basement," Trump also said in an interview on Fox News.

"It looks like I'm immune for, I don't know, maybe a long time, maybe a short time. It could be a lifetime. Nobody really knows".

White House physician Sean Conley said on Saturday that the president, who tested positive for Covid-19 on October 1 and was later hospitalized for three days before returning to the White House with continued treatment, is "no longer considered a transmission risk to others."

However, Conley did not disclose when Trump last had a negative test result.

A study published in September in the journal Nature Medicine, however, indicated that recovery from the coronavirus does not confer lifetime immunity.


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